======= Testing ======= **Prerequisites**: In order to run the tests for *MySQL* or *PostgreSQL* you need to create a test database: PostgreSQL: .. code-block:: sql CREATE USER quma_test_user WITH PASSWORD 'quma_test_password'; CREATE DATABASE quma_test_db; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE quma_test_db to quma_test_user; MySQL/MariaDB: .. code-block:: sql CREATE DATABASE quma_test_db; CREATE USER quma_test_user@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'quma_test_password'; GRANT ALL ON quma_test_db.* TO quma_test_user@localhost; How to run the tests -------------------- Run ``pytest`` or ``py.test`` to run all tests. ``pytest -m "not postgres and not mysql"`` for all general tests. And ``pytest -m "postgres"`` or ``pytest -m "mysql"`` for DBMS specific tests. Overwrite credentials --------------------- If you like to use your own test database and user you can overwrite the default credentials by setting environment variables PostgreSQL: * ``QUMA_PGSQL_USER`` * ``QUMA_PGSQL_PASS`` * ``QUMA_PGSQL_DB`` MySQL/MariaDB: * ``QUMA_MYSQL_USER`` * ``QUMA_MYSQL_PASS`` * ``QUMA_MYSQL_DB``