
You connect to a server/database by creating an instance of the class quma.Database. You have to at least provide a valid database URL and the path to your sql scripts. See below for the details.

Connection Examples

sqldir = '/path/to/sql/scripts'

# can also be a list of paths:
sqldir = [

# SQLite
db = Database('sqlite:////path/to/db.sqlite', sqldir)
# SQLite in memory db
db = Database('sqlite:///:memory:', sqldir)

# PostgreSQL localhost
db = Database('postgresql://username:password@/db_name', sqldir)
# PostgreSQL network server
db = Database('postgresql://username:password@', sqldir)

# MySQL/MariaDB localhost
db = Database('mysql://username:password@/db_name', sqldir)
# MySQL/MariaDB network server
db = Database('mysql://username:password@', sqldir)

The Database class