Custom namespaces

quma automatically creates namespace objects when it reads in your sql scripts. Each subfolder in the script directory will result in a namespace object as a direct member of db or cur.

You can add custom methods to these objects by putting a file into the subfolder which is your namespace and by adding a subclass of quma.Namespace to it. The class must have the same name as the folder with the first letter uppercase.

├─ users
│   ├─
│   ├─ all.sql
│   ├─ by_city.sql
from quma import Namespace

# If the subfolder's name is 'users' the
# class must be named 'Users'.
class Users(Namespace):
    # the method must accept the cursor as its first parameter
    def get_test(self, cur):
        return 'Test'

    def get_address(self, cur, username):
        user = cur.user.by_username(username=username)
        return cur.address.by_user(

Public methods of the namespace must be definied with the cursor as second parameter. It will automatically be passed when you use the cur api.

Now you can call the method the same way as you would call scripts:

cur.users.get_test() # no need to pass cur
address = cur.users.get_address('testuser')

Root members

If you want to add root level methods you need to add to the root of your script directory and name the subclass Root.

├─ users
│   ├─ all.sql
class Root(Namespace):
    def root_method(self, cursor):
        return 'Test'


If you add the class level attribute alias to your custom namespace, you can call it by that name too.

from quma import Namespace

class Users(Namespace):
    alias = 'user'
# This is the same as.