
If you pass a list of two or more directories to the Database constructor, the order is important. Files from subsequent directories in the list with the same relative path will shadow (or overwrite) files from preceding directories.

Let’s say you have two different directories with SQL scripts you like to use with quma. For example directory one:

├── addresses
│    ├── all.sql
│    └── remove.sql
├── users
│    ├── all.sql
│    └── remove.sql
├── get_admin.sql
└── remove_admin.sql

and directory two:

├── users
│    ├── all.sql
│    └── rename.sql
├── create_admin.sql
└── get_admin.sql

When you initialize quma with both directories like this:

from quma import Database

db = Database('sqlite:///:memory:', [

quma creates the following members:

                         # From directory:
cur.addresses.all        #   one
cur.addresses.remove     #   one
cur.users.all            #   two (shadows all.sql from dir one)
cur.users.remove         #   one
cur.users.rename         #   two
cur.create_admin         #   two
cur.get_admin            #   two (shadows get_admin.sql from dir one)
cur.remove_admin         #   one